We got a referral!! We can't believe it. They told us it maybe quick and it was. We received the information on Tuesday the 16th. Today we told them we want them! We can't show you pictures yet but we can tell you about them. They are currently in foster care not an orphanage.
The oldest is 6 years old. She has brown curly hair, just like me! She has blueish green eyes that are just beautiful. She loves to sing. She is very talkative, according to her foster Mom. She does have a issue and I was a little nervous at first. However, the nerves when away after the foster Mom sent us a video of her. She is health and a extremely happy little girl. In the video she is playing some version of duck-duck-goose but with someone dressed as a bear. She is running and laughing. She has a huge smile on her face. This made us fall in love with her. We are going to have to build a castle to keep her away from all the boys chasing her.
The middle child is 5 years old. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He is very smart and sweet. He hopes to be a tractor/truck driver when he grows up. We believe their foster home is on a farm. He is going to be my Mommy's boy, I can already tell.
The youngest child is 4 years old. He has very light brown hair and blue eyes. The foster Mom said he does his choirs around the house but can be stubborn. When I told my father that he replied with "Pay Back!" I might be in trouble with this one. He has this smile on his face that says "When this picture is over my horns are coming out."
We can't wait. We will have more information in the next few days!
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Waiting for the Match
All of our paperwork is in and approved. In Latvia there are two ladies that match orphans up with families wanting to adopt. They have had our paperwork for four days now. Every time the phone rings, I pick it up. Most of the calls are just telemarketers.
I have found some other couples that have adopted from Latvia. The information I am receiving is great!! Thank you all for the information. Sounds like most but not all kids have had a hard time getting food when needed. Jeff and I already decided we are going to do a food table where there is food out 100% of the time. We will have raisons or Cheerios out. Over time the kids will build up trust that they will always have food and that we will not let them starve.
While I was looking up information on orphans in Latvia I came across John Waller's newest song called "Orphan". John is a Christian song writer that adopted a sibling set of two, one boy and one girl. The link below will take you to his song. The girl in the song is John's adopted daughter, she also sings at the end of the song.

I have found some other couples that have adopted from Latvia. The information I am receiving is great!! Thank you all for the information. Sounds like most but not all kids have had a hard time getting food when needed. Jeff and I already decided we are going to do a food table where there is food out 100% of the time. We will have raisons or Cheerios out. Over time the kids will build up trust that they will always have food and that we will not let them starve.
While I was looking up information on orphans in Latvia I came across John Waller's newest song called "Orphan". John is a Christian song writer that adopted a sibling set of two, one boy and one girl. The link below will take you to his song. The girl in the song is John's adopted daughter, she also sings at the end of the song.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
So Close
Latvia currently has all of our translated documents! The only thing they need is our I-800 approval letter. We have been talking with our new case working and through a comedy of errors we are finally approved!! She will be mailing out this one page I-800 either today or Friday. I really hope it went out today. Our agency has been asking us when we will have this. Our agency believes that Latvia has a sibling set in mind and they just need that letter. I am starting to get hopeful again. I am also starting to feel like wrapping up a bunch of open projects, right away....Jeff's "to do" list got a bit longer :-)
“Adopting any child is a walk into the unknown. It takes Faith.”- Unknown
“Adopting any child is a walk into the unknown. It takes Faith.”- Unknown
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Dossier almost there
We have almost everything for our Dossier. In case you don't know what a Dossier is, it is a 8" paper pile that has our entire life in it. The paperwork is what Latvia will review to see if we are a good match for their kids. The feeling is simmilar to your first date. What do I wear? Do I have food in my teeth? Hope they don't notice the pimple on my nose. If they like what they see then we receive a match for some kids!
We only need our I-171 form from USCIS and our Dossier is 100% complete. In order to get this piece of paperwork from our government we have to submit money (of course), our home study, application form, and new biometrics. These biometrics will take some time. We have to wait for an invitation to the FBI headquarters in downtown Cleveland. We have done this before but this time USCIS wants us to start over again. However Jeff talked to an officer and they will push it through using our old ones but we must get new ones done by November. This will save us a couple of weeks!
Our agency is allowing us to send all of our paperwork besides the I-171 to Latvia for translation. It will take them some time to go through all 8" of paperwork. So hopefully by the time we get the I-171 the rest of our paperwork will be finished being translation.
Quote: "So far no morning sickness...but the papercuts are terrible!" - unknown
We only need our I-171 form from USCIS and our Dossier is 100% complete. In order to get this piece of paperwork from our government we have to submit money (of course), our home study, application form, and new biometrics. These biometrics will take some time. We have to wait for an invitation to the FBI headquarters in downtown Cleveland. We have done this before but this time USCIS wants us to start over again. However Jeff talked to an officer and they will push it through using our old ones but we must get new ones done by November. This will save us a couple of weeks!
Our agency is allowing us to send all of our paperwork besides the I-171 to Latvia for translation. It will take them some time to go through all 8" of paperwork. So hopefully by the time we get the I-171 the rest of our paperwork will be finished being translation.
Quote: "So far no morning sickness...but the papercuts are terrible!" - unknown
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Country Change
We are going to Latvia!!
It was not an easy decision to make but after a few weeks of evaluating
pros and cons, we switched. We did join
an agency which is great to work with an experienced staff. We are currently gathering up all the new paperwork
needed for Latvia. We only need our
revised homestudy report and our BCI back and we can submit to the
translators. We have already been told
of two sibling sets available. These kids are so adorable!!
I put a map on this blog because, if you are like me, when I
first hear of this country, you may not know where it is located.
Below are some fun facts about Latvia
1.The national flag is one of the oldest flags in the world. It dates back to the 13th century. The legend says, a Latvian leader was wounded in battle, and the edge of the white sheet in which he was wrapped was stained by his blood. This sheet was carried into several battles afterwards, making it the flag we see today.
1.The national flag is one of the oldest flags in the world. It dates back to the 13th century. The legend says, a Latvian leader was wounded in battle, and the edge of the white sheet in which he was wrapped was stained by his blood. This sheet was carried into several battles afterwards, making it the flag we see today.
2. In terms of Environmental Performance index
Latvia ranks second in the world
3. Arvids Blumentals was the original Crocodile Dundee. He was the inspiration for the movie.
3. Arvids Blumentals was the original Crocodile Dundee. He was the inspiration for the movie.
4. The children are mostly blonde or brown hair and
either blue or brown eyes.
5. In 1924, the Laima’s watch tower was set up to
help Latvians be on time for work.
We should have another update soon.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
July 14th US Adoption Rule change
We are one day away from the July 14, the infamous rule
change in the US. Last Thursday we saw
the USCIS rules for “the change”. We
were grandfather in under exception E. However,
it states that we cannot change or update government documents and our home study
on or after July 14. Well our home study
per Ukrainian rules is set to expire around the end of August. We were also not
sure how Ukraine would like our home study expiring while we are in
country. So what to do…
I called our home study case worker and begged her to update
our home study this past Friday since this Monday is July 14. She let me know she could not update the home
study. What a crushing blow. I wanted to break down right then and there;
however, I knew I had to figure something out.
All I needed was our signature page update of our home study, which
could not get updated unless something in our home study could change. Home
study’s go over your finances, living situation, and what you are looking for. So
I started to think, what can I change in my life to get an updated home study?
Well nothing has changed with our finances or living situation. The only thing that could change was what we
were looking for. So I told her we
decided to raise our age range from 0 – 6yrs to 0 – 7yrs old. That would work.
She did it Friday so our date on our home study is 7-11-2014. We are good for 6 more months from that
Jeff happened to be in a plane while all of this took place.
So I told him I changed our home study to say that we’d be willing to take 6
kids. He freaked out but still loves
me. I did tell him in the end what I
actually did, after he finished trying to see how we could afford 6 kids.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Silly Document Changes
Just a short update, hard to write a lot when you go farther
backwards then forwards. Ukraine wanted
three documents verbiage changed. One
being “ in the past 6 months I made…” they wanted us to say “in the last 6
months I made…” Well, we had no form to
fill out so how was I to know they want last and not past? Please note they also have my home study that
has my salary, financial paperwork that states this as well. The second one was
the date said 6/20 and not 20/6, that was a translation error. The last one was on our promise to register
our children, we said “we would register them upon completion of adoption” and
they wanted “upon returning to the country of residence.” Again we had no forms
or sample to go by so we did our best. We have kids sitting in an orphanage and
my paperwork was held due to silly document changes!
If you are reading this blog and thinking about adopting
from Ukraine contact me and I can send you my forms so you have the correct
verbiage and don’t have to worry about document changes.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Nesting Stage
Jeff and I have been working on starting a family for a few
years now. I have heard several women
talk about this famous “Nesting Stage”.
I had never caught the nesting bug until now. WOW and I’ve been doing some crazy things
around the house. You start doing these
things and in the middle you think I have never done this before why now? Nesting that is why. Below are some of the
not so normal things I have been doing.
1. Cleaned the pan under the fridge. (Have to admit 1st time. YUCK) 2. Got into a large debate over a Growth Chart. It is super cute but the debate was crazy.
3. Rug Doctor to the rescue! Rented one from ACME (grocery store) and it
was amazing. Spent many hours using the machine until I was able to make
several sweeps across the carpet with the cleaning solution remaining mostly
clear. Now how to keep Jeff and dogs off the carpet?
4. While reading other adoption blog there was a
story of an adopted girl who always wanted to have a family picture hanging on
the wall. Well Jeff and I never had
pictures of family on the wall so that had to be fixed. Side note: In the store I was laying out all
the frames to see how it looked and a store worker came over and said “that is
a lot of work, just buy a custom frame, save time on hanging.” Jeff most likely wanted to agree but not
me. So Jeff had to put 24 holes in our
wall at exact locations…. he did an amazing job!!! They are all level too.
Went to a Thirty-One party and started buying
totes like a mad women. Now that I am
going to be a proud owner of 5 different totes our kids will be so organized. Jeff, do not worry none of them are
I have been getting rid of everything we don’t
need or haven’t used in preparation for kids. We had three spare rooms full of
stuff that is all gone now. I also did
not stop there every room in the house has been picked over. I gave to goodwill about 60% of my closet…
all of my closets. It is really amazing
how much room we have in our closet and how few clothes we wear, especially
Jeff, he is still looking for his old flannels.
7. Our shed had some water damage coming in the
front so we put an overhang. Well this Mom to be could not have her shed feeling
non-homey. Now the shed has a panted
floor with the word “welcome” spelled out.
Our mail box is in working condition however there
is a broken rivet. That had to be fixed. Not sure how kids will notice but it
is all fixed now.
9. The house has two windows that sometimes let in
colder air. So we took down the molding and used expandable foam to fix all the
10. When through the entire refrigerator and
combined half bottles of condiments. Also, threw out more food then I want to
say out loud that was expired from all food storage places.
Jeff has been great with helping me on all my different
projects. He sometimes finds it weird when I pull my toothbrush out to clean or
how I can spend 4 hours cleaning a small bathroom. At church our pastor had a sermon a few weeks
ago and he talked about this “Nesting stage”.
Jeff and I just started laughing.
Hope to have an update soon with travel dates!! The waiting is almost unbearable but the
projects just give me a temporary distraction.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Waiting until middle of June
We have everything turned in to
Ukraine in our red folder. We had an
issue before in Ukraine with our paperwork not being turned in with the correct
folder color. This means we now have to
wait up to 20 business days to find out when we can travel!!! I am writing this a bit late so on June 16th!
You would think Jeff and I would
be jumping up and down and going crazy with excitement. However, with the new US adoption law going
into place 7-14-2014, I am cautious.
Obama signed the law in 2012 and here we are less than 2 months from the
start date and USCIS doesn’t even know how they are going to implement the new
laws. We sat in on a nationwide conference call this past Thursday to
understand the details and the gist of the entire phone call is; there is a new
law and we don’t know how it will affect you, please be patient and check our
web site in two weeks to see where you stand….
Of course if you don’t comply not only will you not be able to complete
your adoption but you are also threatened with the possibility jail time and
large fine.
The gist of the new law requires
all non-Hague countries to perform all the requirements of Hague nations. However of the 7 requirements Ukraine finds 6
of these illegal. So do we get to break
US law or Ukraine law…. When this
question was brought to the attention of USCIS officials their answer was
you’ll have to wait until we can generate specific guidelines for each
country. Where the real stink of it all
comes into place is that you now have to use a “Hague certified” adoption
company to perform any and all international adoptions. Of course to that would cost up to $30,000 extra
and double the work. All of our US
approved paperwork is in the hands of the Ukrainian Gov’t. so now we get to pay
a third party who has done nothing for us thousands of dollars to watch us
board an airplane to Ukraine.
So as a backup we’ve tried to
find “accredited” adoption agencies, of all the agencies in Ohio there are only
4, and they will not accept us because we’ve done all the paperwork
already. We also been denied by three
out of state agencies….no one will take the liability because they don’t want
to break the new US law which no one know how it is even going to be
So our next biggest fear is that
when we get our date and fly to Ukraine and go through the process and the kids
are ours in the eyes of the Ukrainian Gov’t., but will the US allow us to
obtain visas or passports for our children? We’ve written USCIS, called them and again not
one there knows…. So what should we do?
One thing we are going to do is
have faith that this will all work out.
We are going to trust our facilitators and their judgment even though we
have never met in person. We are going
to pray that it will all come together. To tell the truth I feel deep down
inside that this will all work out and that Jeff and I will be blessed with
some amazing kids. That really I am just
growing and molding and I need this time to do just that.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Looking forwards
Sometimes I thinking about how much energy, money, and time
we put into paperwork for an adoption and I get discouraged. I am always asking myself, why does it have
to be so hard? The emotional rollercoaster you are put on is challenging. I have
been able to keep my spirits up by reading peoples blogs who have completed an
adoption in Ukraine. Their stories are
very similar to ours. So that gives me
hope that with every down turn, every paperwork correction, political unrest,
ink color, folder color, and so on; that it will all come to a beautiful
Some people may already know that we know of a few sibling
sets currently available for adoption in Ukraine. Some of these sets along the way have follow
off the eligibility list, either by adoption or other reasons. I keep looking at their little faces every
night to build up my strength. I pray
that they are safe and with everything going on be able to get food and basic
needs. Also, that one day they will get
to know a parents love, by us or another family.
Tomorrow our paperwork will be turned into Ukraine!! I hope to have a good update soon. With this submission we should be receiving word
of our travel date in the next 20 days or so.
I really hope it is soon.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Paperwork Complete??
We have submitted all of the paperwork to Ukraine, we
believe. Currently they are telling us that they have everything however, we
feel they are missing our FBI background check.
We have contacted Ukraine but due to the unrest it may take them a few
days to reply. Jeff and I decided we are
going to mail off our FBI background checks first thing tomorrow just in case
they don’t have it. Spend $150 in
shipping it over to Ukraine or possibly delaying the adoption further…easy
decision. We are not willing to risk any
further delays at this point. We still have the US deadline of July that we are
trying to beat. We have a chance but it
is getting tight.
We have been hearing information about some of the current
adoptions going on in Ukraine. American’s are not allowed to travel to certain
regions of Ukraine. There was a US couple adopting a 15 year old boy from Crimea
region. They had to leave the orphanage and
their son before their adoption was complete.
Since Russia took over all government agencies including adoptions this
boy’s adoption was halted due to Russia’s refusal to allow Americans to adopt
Russian kids. The 15 year old boy tried
to commit suicide because he felt this was his last chance to be adopted into a
family willing to accept him. I know
there are people within Ukraine and at the Crimean orphanage desperately trying
to work a deal but currently the adoption is still on hold. Why is it that in times of war or unrest it
is the children who suffer the most?
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Round Two Home Study
We have completed our new home study! The first draft should be in our hands in a
few days. Once we approve the draft it
will be off to the county and state to apostle. We are working on the items
that needed update dates for the dossier. The dossier is a group of paperwork
that includes our home study, which is sent to Ukraine. This is the package of
paperwork which is reviewed by the Ukrainian Government and is what they base their
determination on. Once a favorable
determination is received, then hopefully we’ll be receiving a request for a
meeting in Ukraine. If you receive a
non-favorable determination then Ukraine will not let you adopt. We are not worried about that part. We feel
we will have everything submitted to Ukraine in the next two weeks. Hopefully we will get our invitation for end
of April. Ukraine already has several
of our documents so we hope it will be faster than the standard 20 day wait.
The excitement is building here at the house. We have rooms rearranged. Jeff and I put up a huge family wall with
some blank spots. We hope to have our
first family picture in the frame by the time we come home with the kids. Since we are not sure how many kids and of
what age, it is a challenge trying to be prepared. We have been very fortunate and people have
been donating lots of items to us. That
will prove to be helpful. So thank you
all for your support!
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